This research is available in the IBFR Review of Business & Finance Studies Vol. 7, No. 2, 2016, pp. 91-100

Characteristics of winning organizations in the 21st century include fast friendly, focused, and flexible customer-centered infrastructure (Kotze, 2002). For global organizations to be successful, a supportive infrastructure is critical (Kotze, 2002; Theodore, 2014; Tyson, 1998). Popular organizational theories do not address the need for a supportive infrastructure to link business strategy with operational tactics and as such, face significant problems in overcoming the challenges of competing in the rapidly changing, global environment (Gürel, 2014; Kotze, 2002; Theodore, 2014; Tyson, 1998). By linking strategy, operational infrastructures (lean or balanced scorecard), communication activities, and human resources practices, businesses can increase their ability to improve customer satisfaction and financial performance. Linking theory states that to maximize organizational effectiveness in the 21st century global corporations should align their business strategy to organizational infrastructure using human resources and tools to increase customer satisfaction and business performance. Linking theory focuses on strategy, structure, and customer satisfaction and as such, is applicable to all types of global businesses. Since customer satisfaction is the focus of the strategy and structure, employees and managers’ efforts center on the customer’s definition of satisfaction. Strong technology and communication platforms facilitate internal and external communications providing additional links between strategy and human resources.